OREGON TRIAL LAWYERS Who Are Convinced You and Your Story Matter


No other nationally-recognized plaintiff’s firm devotes two trial attorneys and a full staff to focus solely on 10 or fewer carefully selected personal injury cases. 

At Barton Trial Attorneys, we see you as more than a set of facts and events. That’s why we are uncompromising in making sure you are heard and provided with an unmatched level of legal representation and personal support.

If you have a story that should be told in a court of law, call (503) 203-0015 for a free consultation. asdf

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We Argue Stories, Not Just Facts.

We aren’t just good trial lawyers. We are master storytellers, telling the true and compelling stories of everyday people who have been injured. We use the complex language of law, but also everyday English, to tell stories that juries understand. Stories that get better results.

We Change Lives.

We take on cases that we think we can win in the courtroom and in front of a jury. Our cases make a difference, changing not only our client’s current circumstances, but also the behavior of others and the future direction of law.


If you have a story that should be told in a court of law, call (503) 203-0015 for a free consultation.